Make Art You Love.

Love Selling the Art You Make.

You’ve seen Marisa’s artwork & book Creative Thursday ~ Everyday Inspiration to Grow Your Creative Practice featured in design blogs, magazines, television, and film.

Imagine 6 months from now, what are you most excited about accomplishing in your Art Business?

A Thriving Artist has a profitable business creating work they love,

and all the steps involved in building + marketing a profitable business today

require ongoing support

It’s not about learning more from more experts.

It’s about getting consistent support from an experienced Mentor you trust, to help you get clear on your business goals, say goodbye to Impostor Syndrome once and for all, and put those comparison blinders on to laser focus only on the tasks that not only play to your strengths but generate the revenue in your business~

so that you have more time to focus on your Art

and what matters most in life.

Here’s how I can help you get there faster.

What if we could work together to get your shop + marketing plan ready for the 2024 Holiday Season like never before!


We dial in how to reach more of your Collectors, from your social media, and your Opt-in to your automated welcome email, so you’re growing your email list consistently all year long.


We decide on your 2024 product offerings (can be physical products, a learning opportunity, or a show you're preparing for), and review your online shop and/or landing page so you can get it ready, looking beautiful + organized + easy to navigate as you welcome your new Collectors + Clients.


We map out your marketing launch plan from social media to email for the rest of 2024.

Welcome to The Red Dot Society

This is a Small Group Coaching opportunity for Dedicated Emerging and Established Artists ready to take their business to the next level and have a thriving 2024 into 2025. 


Accountability with Marisa and your fellow Red Dot Society Members

Private Community 

Exclusively for Red Dot Society Members to communicate with each other and Marisa throughout the quarter.

6 Group Coaching Calls 

Go deeper on implementing what you're learning, get personalized help with current challenges, and develop a focused plan to get you to the finish line of your quarter goals and projects.

As a Red Dot Society Member, you’ll get

Coaching to help you Take Action Step by Step

Through the next 90 days, I'll be there month after month to offer you personal guidance.

Here's how you'll stay focused

By following the specific steps  to your custom plan + accountability you need to support you.

Accountability with Marisa and your fellow Red Dot Society Members

6 Group Coaching Calls with Marisa 

A private community where we share progress, Tools, and Resources

BONUS:  Expansive Artists Membership is included from now through December 2024, which includes instant access to an extensive library of tutorials, lessons & resources +  5 Q&A session with Marisa + Co-working sessions with your fellow Artists

BONUS: Social Media Review Call

Here’s why investing in a Coach is one the best decisions you can make

it’s more expensive and takes longer to do it yourself

You’ll spend way less time and money getting direct support rather than trying to piece it all together in your next online course or figure it out all by yourself

consistent support is everything

Creating and sharing your work consistently is how you become a successful Artist, which is why having a regular accountability date with a Mentor + a community of Peers who are equally dedicated to their success, is invaluable in helping you STAY consistent.

 the online buyer is sophisticated

You need to know how to effectively find, communicate and connect with your Ideal Collector in an ever-changing online marketplace

the online world changes daily

You want to stay connected to an experienced Mentor, who is always staying up to date and ahead of the curve.

working with Marisa

What some of our Clients have to say

Wins + Transformations from our Red Dot Society Members

"I am so very grateful for YOU and your expertise and excellence. I am still marveling at all you helped me do for myself working together over the long stretches I was lucky enough to work with you: I started teaching online, got my book deal, got my tea online, made my tea meditation rings and got them up and running, made new t-shirts, custom wrapping paper, made and sold art, fulfilled my requirements for getting my trademarks, and had a thriving newsletter!!!!!!!!! 

The things that have fallen away have shown themselves to me to not be the right fit BECAUSE I leapt from where I was with your amazing help."

Moon Z.

"Being a member of this group has supported me to move through my fear of sharing my book with my community. I had previously only sold courses and for some reason, selling products felt new, uncertain, and very scary. Having the coaching and group support to start sharing my book, I knew I wasn’t alone in pushing myself to do this - as soon as I started sharing I was able to tap into that joy of sharing my creation as a way to help and inspire others (something I love doing) and the fear started to melt away. You have helped me rewrite my story around what selling means. It’s been a huge shift for me, and so far I have sold about 140 books! That makes me so happy. The other thing I really appreciate about this group is that whenever a question pops up for me about art and business I have a safe space to turn to - plus it’s great to see what other members are creating - it makes me feel inspired and want to keep going with my own dreams and goals. "

Karen A.

"I opened commissions for portraits about a week or so ago. I never would have thought to do this. It was totally Marisa's idea when she saw a gift painting I was making for a friend. I’m basically booked right now and I had been focused on licensing (making zero dollars lol). It was a little scary to put myself out there. I just finished my first commission (and I realized it’s the first dog I ever painted 😬 I didn’t even think of that before putting it out there😊 It was so rewarding to make this special piece for her. I also have my first fabric collection coming out in October and am working on my second collection of designs! Thank you Marisa for pushing me to get out there!!"

Corri S.

"Marisa is an incredible coach. Her knowledge of many things, from running a creative business to mindset, is most valuable to me because I am able to take my business to the next level in a short time. She is uplifting, positive, and always smiling, which makes learning so much more enjoyable. I also love that the members of the group are all creative entrepreneurs, so we all speak a similar language. Highly recommend working with Marisa if you are looking for a coach that wants what's best for you in a long run."

Bonnie T.

“I’m feeling SO good about how things have been going in my Art business - gotta keep the momentum going!”

Lisa K.

“I feel so lucky to be a part of this community and also to have this kind of familiarity during so much that's happened this year. I am inspired to regain focus on my business and creativity again. Thank you for guiding me with your suggestions and enthusiasm. I feel supported, hopeful and nurtured. ”

Jess T.

This is where you choose which path to take

May I recommend that you don't choose the path I took ~ the do it all yourself, by yourself, and don’t invest in my higher-level education because I don't have the budget and can figure it all out myself path.

You can join us or you can:

  • keep trying to figure it out one piece at a time
  • build everything from scratch
  • spend extra time waiting to get the answers you need now
  • stay frustrated because you aren't getting the results you want, even though you're taking all the courses and doing ALL the things
  • keep trying to convince those around you who don't "get it" why you do the work you do
  • lose focus and consistency with creating your work
  • let comparison and self-doubt (Impostor Syndrome) hold you back, and keep you stuck
  • continue to struggle with how to create consistent marketing content + income as a creative
  • stay overwhelmed without a clear direction of what step to take next
  • give up feeling defeated that you weren't able to fulfill your purpose, which would be 💔

Is this Right for You?

Let's Chat!

We want to make sure this is the Right Fit for You!

The value of the group is also about the Collective Wisdom of the group,

as each of you brings a unique perspective and gift to the other members.

This is why we want to make sure every member is committed +

excited to be a part of this opportunity,

Reach out to

I'm here to help you make sure this is the right fit and most effective support opportunity for you at this time.

I want to be clear that it's important that the right group of dedicated Artists come together for this unique experience. 

It's less about where you are on your Art journey and more about your consistent commitment to your work as an Artist.

Don't hesitate to click on the button with me waving and leave me a personal video, audio or text message.

The Red Dot Society Investment

Join us for the August - October 2024

Choose a 1 Time Payment or Installment

or VIP for private coaching with Marisa (ONLY 1 spot available)

Small Group Coaching

6 Group Coaching Calls {$2,000} 

Private Facebook Community 

BONUS: Expansive Artists Membership is included from as soon as you sign up through December 2024 {$156} 

BONUS: Social Media Review Call {$497}

3 payments of $250

or 1 payment of $697

VIP Intensive (limited spots available)

3 Day Intensive 

8 Hours of Private Coaching with Marisa over the 3 days {hourly rate booked one session at a time is $497}

Initial Audit, Planning and Strategy Session

Social Media Review + Refining {$497}

Online Shop Review + Refining {$497}

2024 Product Launch + Marketing Strategy 

Follow-up Q&A Call {hourly rate booked one session at a time is $997}

BONUS: Expansive Artists Membership is included from August through December 2024 {$156}

4BONUS: Social Media Review Call {$497}

1 payment $3,800 

or 2 payments of $1,950

1 spot available

I was once where you are

Hi! I'm Marisa 

Artist + Illustrator based in Los Angeles, California

Hello! I'm Marisa a Self-Taught Artist who started my online business in 2006. As is the journey for all successful entrepreneurs, it's a combination of wins and learning that lead me through becoming a published author, designing 9 fabric collections, licensing and selling thousands of paintings, prints, and original creations worldwide, and having my art featured in the highest-grossing movie of all time "Avengers Endgame", to celebrating my 20th year as a Professional Artist.

Online Shop Owner

Surface Designer + Licensed Artist

Published Author + Podcaster

Creative Business Coach

I LOVE helping Artists in Business

And, I know that the best way to help Artists in Business is on an ongoing basis, month after month.

Just one idea in one coaching session, getting access to the knowledge gained from my 15 years of running an online business as an Entrepreneur and Artist, can instantly add more revenue to your business and profoundly transform the speed at which you grow.

A nurturer to the core and a coach who cares about the well-being and success of each and every one of my members, The Red Dot Society is my answer to the request I've had for a more in-depth, higher-level learning opportunity. This is also the ongoing mentorship I only wish I had access to when growing my business.

A pioneer from the time I began my podcast in 2006, started teaching online in 2008, and opened my first online community in 2012. Together we're building a movement ~ creating our own Eco System, and encouraging more creatives to thrive and transform the way we do business.

So if you’re ready to grow your business with grace, ease, and profit (and fun!) while avoiding the never-ending uphill struggle by doing it all alone or taking countless business courses, leaving you with more questions than answers.

Let's do this!

Marisa Anne Cummings

artist + author + creative business coach

© 2004 - 2024 Marisa Anne Cummings + Creative Thursday. All rights reserved. 

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